Monday, July 6, 2009

I'm up too late (2:40 am), 4 days!

Hopefully I'll get some sleep one of these days. I made the mistake of thinking about going to the beach before I went to sleep. Big mistake, because now I'm all excited and it's the only thing I can think about and I just can't fall asleep.

What is it about the beach that makes me an insomniac? It's not like at home I could go outside and take a walk around the block. Although I don't think I'd be allowed to do that at the beach...we'll see. But anyway...

Friday night before we leave the plan is to pack the car and the roof rack. That way we'll be able to leave at 10 am (which TECHNICALLY means 11 am). We have to plan all our stops so we can make the 4:15 ferry. Because if we miss it then we'll have to take the 6:15 ferry and that doesn't fly with me. The ferry ride is 70 (appx) minutes long. So the earlier we take it, the earlier we get there, the earlier we eat dinner and maybe go into a boardwalk shop. Which also means the earlier we'll go to bed, the earlier we can get up and do stuff!

Oh man...I'm just DYING for the beach. I'm actually a little tired right now, but nothing really feels like it'll make me sleepy. And I don't want to get up late this morning because that screws my whole day. So even if I get 5/6 hours of sleep, I'll still get up in the AM, no matter how hard it is.

I basically finished packing -- except I have to take everything out of my suitcase to put in all the other stuff that needs to go and then check all my things off my list.

I also printed a calendar that I'm going to write down TV shows on, cause I can't keep track of all of that in my head. Well I think I'm going to go read.

More in a day or so :)

1 comment:

  1. rachel ahh the beach is in just 2 days!!!!! i bet you're like totally spazzing out. i miss you and im sad we didnt have book club :[ but its okay. youre gonna have a blast in cape may & ill see you after you get back. send me a letter girl! and ill get the address of my beach house i'll be in at august. love you xoxo linds
