Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rain go away! // Beach glass

Well, I made it through my first night alone. Mom and I face timed in bed Monday night and she showed me all the kitties before we both went to sleep. I definitely was feeling panicked about being alone as I did when I woke up this morning. It was raining when I got up at 10:30 am, but that didn't really matter.

Face-timing with Sabrina, trying to get her to blink at me.

I wasn't hungry since I was stressed about being alone so I didn't eat. I feel how I felt when I was alone in New York in November 2011, at the Cat Writers' conference. It's a scary feeling but I made it through that weekend - and I had to travel all by myself! I don't even have to do any traveling here, except for the occasional shopping road trip :)

I headed out in the rain to CVS for some lotion and then headed to the animal center where I'm hoping to volunteer - but it was closed. I headed to Rio Grande for Bed, Bath and Beyond but I got lost. I was able to figure out the right way with my GPS, but I got upset when I got to the parking lot. It's really hard not being able to know exactly where I'm going all the time, so I spent a while with my mom on the phone working through it. I briefly looked around the store and saw a lot of things I liked, but decided to save my money for when I go back there with mom!

I drove back home with the GPS on the parkway and it took me through a toll - my first use of the EZ Pass! #milestone. I made myself a bologna sandwich, which was really yummy. I helped design business cards for the Cool Cat Cottage and dad looked over the design. We also ordered stickers and post it notes which are really cute branding! It will help with advertising. Just found out this morning too that we got another rental! Just a few more weeks left to book.

I went outside and read on the porch for a long time. I was reading Is Everybody Hanging Out Without Me (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling. It was really funny and a super easy read that I finished later in the evening.

Poverty beach now sort of bleeds sand into the street - thanks Hurricane Sandy.

I decided to drive down to Poverty beach and go on a walk. It was pretty much empty! I found soo many shells and pieces of beach glass, which was so exciting! I was sending my mom pictures to show her what I was finding. I found a whopping big piece of aqua blue beach glass, my best find!

I found a whole moonie, not something I usually find!

I came home, heated up my leftover chicken, made instant mashed potatoes and had leftover fruit from Avalon that mom had picked up on Sunday. I read the Mindy book while I ate. Afterwards, I stopped in at my neighbor Denise's across the street. I will be staying with her for a few days in June when the house is rented. She showed me where I will be sleeping, which is very nice!

I'm smiling because I really am happy!

I came home and read more inside because the mosquitoes were out. I watched Full House, ate some lemon meringue pie and watched Awkward. I face timed with Mom, dad and all the kitties! I called Grandma Zelda to say hi and also I talked to Grandma Genie earlier in the day. I watched Ke$ha's show and then went up to shower and get ready for bed.

Night time is definitely when I feel more lonely, but everything is always harder at night. But I have a lot to look forward to because tomorrow it will be sunny and I am taking a short road trip up to Blue Eden to visit my friend Caroline! Thursday I will go to Animal Outreach to find out about volunteering!

I miss everyone so much, especially Brooke, Sabrina, Henry, Piper, Pearl and Vickie!


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