Monday, July 1, 2013

Busy Day at my Internship

Apparently I was on "I refuse to get up before 9" kick because instead of setting my alarms in the 8 o'clock hour, they were all in the 9 o'clock hour. So mom woke me up at 8:30 am and I had to speed rush like a mad woman. Mom didn't even get coffee before we left, that's how late we were.

I went to go in to the building at 9 am and the door was locked! I called and no one answered. My boss showed up and it turned out someone had been in but had to run out for an errand. So I got right to work on my article. My Parading in the Fourth and July Happenings articles are up! In addition to my Saltwater Cafe article, ArtBox article and the Designer Show House article I wrote this morning. And no, none of them have my byline, but I really did write them.

I took a lunch break and had sesame noodles and strawberry & banana smoothie from Bliss! I saw Nicole, Mike and their kids. I talked to them and then I walked back to work. I wrote up copy for one of the pictures in the August magazine issue as well as editing some articles. I brought in my dark chocolate flourless cookies today and they were a hit!

I called it a day at 4 pm and went to the Acme. I picked up some sushi for lunch and walked home. I watched some Buffy in my room and then spent time on the porch. I saw Mary's mom Teresa, it was nice to see her! I think we realized that I had seen her last summer but hadn't seen her daughter Mary since 2011. We had clam chowder, grilled cheese and salad on the porch.

The last time we were together with the Keenans to take a porch picture - our tradition!

I saw Mary! It was great to see her. She has changed a lot in just two years! I met her boyfriend too. It was good to see her.

I helped Michael take out the trash and recycling. Then Mom, Michael and I played Apples-to-Apples and a dice game on the porch.

Then I went up and watched Teen Wolf, did some blog writing and got ready for bed.

Another internship day tomorrow, maybe a quick hit at the beach and also the Farmer's Market in the evening!



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