Tuesday, June 18, 2013

$2 Taco Tuesday

After the centipede debacle of last night, it was very hard to get up this morning. So I got up around noon. Malia and I watched the rest of New Year's Eve on my dvd player and ate lunch. We went to the mall. I got my soap scrub jar filled at A Place on Earth and a cute shell dish/star flower soap at Bathtime. We went to the Acme and it rained!

We shopped probably about an hour before coming home and unloading while it poured. We put everything away and then baked Nicole's gluten free dark chocolate flourless cookies. That took a while - darn only one rack in the oven! We watched Friends while we baked. The cookies didn't quite come out the same way and they were smaller.

Fish tacos

We went to Big Wave Burritos to pick up dinner. Two dollar taco Tuesday! I got fish tacos. Next time I need to get them with less salsa because the jalapenos are mucho caliente! We brought the food home and watched last week's episode of Twisted on my computer. Then we dropped off cookies at Denise's house - she TOTALLY loved them! Nicole also brought by a quart of lemon basil mint sorbet for a surprise for mom and dad.

Malia and I watched Pretty Little Liars and Twisted while eating dinner. We ran our stuff upstairs, cleaned up while there were commercials.

Mom, dad, Michael and James came in around 10:15 pm. It was great to see everyone - it's been three weeks! So long. We helped them bring stuff in. Mom and dad loved the chocolate cookies and the lemon basil mint sorbet.

Mom gave me a present from Krista - a James Avery flip flop pendant! The Kheivs were packing up to move to Texas and I will really, really miss them!

Malia and I watched YouTube videos for a while, showered and then went to bed. I know we will go to the beach tomorrow but I don't know what else we will do!

A beautiful flower in our front yard

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