Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Beach Writers' Conference Day #1

I was up on and off from 6:45 am, so when my alarm went off at 7:30 am I popped right out of bed. I find that always happens to me on the first day of conferences - it's adrenaline. The second day is always harder to get up!

My mom texted me right after my alarm when off, and Bill called up too to make sure I was up, LOL! I got up, dressed and ate breakfast. Bill kept me company while I ate and talked my ear off before I left. I left about 8 am and got there, parked, registered & had a danish by 8:30 am.


We got a swag bag full of magazines, NJ info, tram pass, dolphin container, flip flop gummies, note pad and pen, flip flop key chain and coupons. The first few speakers were interesting. They left us on our own for lunch. The swag bag had a coupon for 15% off the Doo Wop Diner on the boardwalk, so that is where I ate lunch. I ordered a "Miss Piggy" sandwich - which is a Taylor pork roll sandwich. Best bread ever and it cake with french fries and a pickle, I also had a diet coke. A good buy for $12 (with tip and 15% off). I didn't want to go to the playwright session because that is not my niche, so I drove over to the Walgreens to buy some magazines and Wildwood postcards. Then I went to the post office to buy some stamps since I didn't have a chance to do that in CM the other day.

L-R Clockwise upper left: Ferris wheel on the board walk, Beach Writers' Conference on the Wildwoods sign, bottom two pictures are my yummo lunch. Yes yummo not yummy.

I drove around a bit before going back. Everything was running on beach time (ahemlateahem). The last session ran over 20 minutes and then I went home. I had a snack and then went to the boardwalk. The surf shack was closed, so I had a milkshake from Rita's. Underwhelming but satisfied a craving. I came home and made the rest of the ravioli from the Ravioli House and a salad. I ate on the porch. Then I watched Pretty Little Liars: A LiAr's Guide to Rosewood, talked to grandma Genie, watched Full House, talked to grandma Zelda. Then I watched Awkward and got ready for bed.

Tomorrow is the second and LAST day of the conference! I will do an overall summary of what I thought/learned while I was there either tomorrow or on Thursday. I also will have a lot of cleaning to do for Thursday and Friday because we have a renter coming in on Saturday :( Of course they come in once I'm all settled!!


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