Saturday, May 9, 2009

The things I want to do this summer in CM

Hello Again.

So yesterday evening I was really, really bored. Then I was like, "Hey! Let's check the Cape May website." So I was on it. It was 5 degrees cooler there than it is here. SO NOT FAIR! So then I found a link to things that you can do in CM.

BRAIN BLAST! [Sorry for the Jimmy Neutron reference :(]. I decided to make a list of things that I want to do this summer. So I headed up a new microsoft word as things I want to do this summer in CM. I even found a little July calendar to put underneath the title. And so the list began. While this is still a work in progress...because I keep thinking of new things to's a relatively good list!

Things I want to Do
Haunted Cape May Tour (Hotel Macomber)
See Harry Potter 6 (July 17 – Stone Harbor 5)
Visit Lucy the Elephant (B-day Bash July 18-19)
Get a Pina Colada Smoothie from Avalon Bagels
Ride my bike to Avalon Bagels for breakfast
Play Hard & Easy Mini Golf
Skeeball at the Arcade
Get an application to work at Making Waves
Make a Cape May Scavenger hunt for everyone
Get a hermit crab
Make cookies for the neighbors
Get a tan
Read a book in the lifeguard chair
Wake up early & watch the sun rise on the boardwalk
Visit Pearl Street
Visit Denise, Betty and Barbara
Go on a walk on the beach for shells/beach glass

Okay. Now to explain my list.

#1: Cape May does a haunted ghost tour at a hotel nearby our house. It's about a 90 minute tour and you walk a mile. What could be more fun that excercising while getting a tour of your favorite town and possibly learning new things and meeting ghosts! And did I mention it's in the dark? Even better :)

#2: I love Harry Potter and want to see the movie when it comes out. Of course I'll be at the beach. So I spent about 10 minutes googling a movie theatre near CM and there is one in the next town over (stone harbor) and it's about 30 minutes away. Thank you google maps -- yes I googled my CM address to the movie theatre!

#3: Lucy the Elephant is a really cool landmark. it's a big elephant building that you go in! check it out at !

#4: There is this great bagel store around the block from our house. It's called avalon bagels. I love getting things from there. Especially a refreshing pina colada smoothie on a 90 degree day!

#5: See above. I love bringing back the bagel to eat on the porch.

#6: Vacation in CM would NOT be complete without playing mini golf. Personally I enjoy the easy (it's not easy, but easier than the other one) mini golf. It has all these fun things there. Such good memories. Tiger woods! And I would like to play at least 1 game at the hard one.

#7: My favorite game to play in the arcade on the boardwalk is Skeeball. The arcade is great, even though it has crappy prizes. Usually I spend time winning lots of tickets and then giving them to my brother -- unless there is a relatively good prize. Like last summer there was these little cat statues and my dad and I were like...we need this. So I played a lot to win them. They're on my bookshelf now.

#8: I love this cute little jewelry/clothing beachy store called Making Waves. I figure that maybe next summer, who knows if it'll actually happen though, I can get a job at the beach and stay with one of our neighbors (we know them all -- you'll learn more in another blog if I remember). So why the heck not get an application!

#9: So random. But doesn't a scavenger hunt sound really fun to do on a boring day? Who am I kidding, CM is never boring. But still.

#10: Get a hermit crab. Now this can go 2 ways. buying the crab w/permission. or somehow buying the crab without parental permission. See we usually get crabs, but it's hard to take care of them and sometimes they die really easily. But I really want one because I love having it! And since my last one died this winter my parents were like, "NO MORE HERMIT CRABS!" So we'll have to see on that one.

#11: This started as a tradition with my next door neighbor in CM. We usually made cookies from cookie dough and then gave them to neighbors. One time we made cookies after they had used the pan to make fish. BIG MISTAKE! And we have cookies that tasted like fish. YUCKY! One time we made chocolate chip eggs. Pretty nasty. I also always used to have sasuage with powdered sugar. Kids eat strange things.

#12: Get a tan is probably the most self explanitory thing on the list. Maybe I should've said: Get a tan without getting burned!

#13: I love, love, love reading in the lifeguard chair. There is just something about doing that, that relaxes me very well.

#14: I get up so early during the school year (6:30 am) and I think it would be fun to get up around that early and watch the sun rise and go on like a morning walk through the town to see what it's like in the early morning hours.

#15: Pearl Street is where our friend with many (appx. 20) cats lives. We always go, but I felt that I needed to put it on the list.

#16: Those people are our neighbors and I keep in contact with them all year so I love visiting with them.

#17: A trip to the beach wouldn't be complete if you didn't bring home at least a pound of shells (sand not included hehe).

Well that's all for this post.

62 days! (unless you're being technical...cause it's the end of today).

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