Saturday, June 13, 2015

Never enough time (at the beach or otherwise)

Honestly? I had fully intended to blog about my vacation in Cape May this summer. In fact, I have been saving great memes to share with my posts.

And after being here for a few days, I kept thinking, oh I need to update the blog. But you see, I also keep a beach journal or diary (but I really don't call it a diary) and I usually write my "blog post" there and then just type it up for CapeMayChick.

But between my internship at Cape May Magazine, my externship for GMU/in relation to the internship and just general laziness, I haven't been in the mood to blog. Not even for my Sandpiper Cat blog, which is super bad of me because I was just at BlogPaws.

I'M A TERRIBLE BLOGGER! There, I admitted it. I'm also terrible at sarcasm in the written word. Trying here...!

But, if I was blogging about what I've done here so far (in a week, HOW HAS IT BEEN A WEEK - yes I am shouting at YOU) would look like this:

  • Drove here (third solo driving trip - and technically the 2nd in a month)
  • Went to the Strawberry Festival with Lori & Mara
  • Beach walk with Lori & Mara
  • Visited with the neighbors
  • Found 3 pieces of beach glass (1 big, 2/3 small)
  • Baked cookies
  • Worked 4 days at my internship
  • Written a 5 page paper & blog post for externship
  • Finished 3 books
  • Went to the regular beach (once, I am so lame so far)
  • Visited kitties and kittens at Animal Outreach
  • Binged on season 1 of Orange is the New Black (#behindinlife)
  • Visited the vet for a check up (not for me, but the neighbor's dog).
  • Scrapbooked half of my trip to Nashville
So instead of a week's worth of posts describing in excruciating detail what I have done each day, here is a condensed list.

I'm really enjoying my time here, especially without my family. Don't get me wrong, I do miss them and speak to my mom every day - but the solitude of living alone for 2 weeks after 21 years (almost 21.5) living with my family, is a nice break. No one to tell me I'm talking too loud. So I can sing at the top of my lungs and (hopefully the neighbors) don't hear.

Side note - was just reading a post from last summer and the theme was definitely the summer of singing in the house. My singing voice is terrible, something I admit openly and yet I still sing out loud. Just usually not when anyone is around.

So anyway, here is a week's worth of updates. Hope you enjoy!

And I promise (but don't hold me to it, I may be watching OITNB for the next 4 weeks here) but I will try to post periodically!


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