Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sorry doesn't always cut it

I've been thinking for a while that I wanted to write a book. Actually, I've wanted to be an author for so long that I don't know when I decided to. And it's only been recently that I was thinking about writing a book all about my life as a cat owner. I've been so inspired by the book Homer's Odyssey: How I learned about life and Love with a blind wonder cat bt Gwen Cooper and also Marley and me by John Grogran. I would want to start in the beginning of my life about my first two cats, Marsh and Ashley. How I grew up with them and they started the reign of cats. I'd talk about how those were the two first pet deaths I experienced. I'd also talk about the memories I have for them, even if they weren't mine. Like the time Marsh ate a brillo pad. And when Ashley curled up with me the night before he died.

Then I would launch into living 3 weeks without a cat and how completely life changing that was. Because in truth, I can't think of a more miserable time. Well I can, but y ou know how it is. And I would then discuss the first two kittens I ever had. May and Parker. And I'd discuss how we got inolved in the rescue and how we soon added Brooke and Vicki. And then I would talk about Parkers death and how we learned more about the rare disease he had and how it killed his whole litter. And how dad became very involved in the disease group, learning as much about it as possible.

Then I would talk about the empty void we had and how we went to look at another cat on my birthday, not expecting much and then finding Henry. And then I would talk about fostering and keeping Pearl. I would also find a place to add about our other fosters, Nick and how we rescued the cat Smokey/Sid. And then I would talk about all the times on summer vacation that we almost took home cats.

Two summers later I would discuss Sabrina our foster/kitty we want to keep and basically continue up to the present!

How does that sound? Woo, 2 postings in 6 days. Snazzy!

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