I was really excellent about getting up this morning (you clearly tell I love to sleep in). I got up at 8:40 am to get ready for breakfast with Denise. She had me come inside to see her dogs. So cute.
We went to Zoe's and of course Denise knew everyone there - including the owners and waitresses, who she introduced me to. One of the benefits of being a local is knowing everyone and everyone's mother (oh yeah, I've been waiting to say that for a while).
I had chocolate chip pancakes and a Diet Rite soda (like Diet Coke but a different brand). Denise had a sausage egg sandwich that I will try next time. It wasn't too busy but it was very hot out. I came home completely and literally dripping sweat. After I said good bye to Denise (and washed my face), dad and I left to get Lindsay at the ferry!
We got her and went to the Acme to get the Adriondack chairs. We got two yellow chairs for the porch, and two pink ones for the backyard. For $12.49 a pop, it was a good deal that we couldn't resist.
I showed Lindsay our house and then James' dad and sister came to get them. We showed them the house and then they left. We sat on the porch for a while until we saw our new neighbor across the street (they just bought the Patronage house on our street) and we wanted to go introduce ourselves as the (almost) new owners of our house.
Matching shirts we have been planning to wear for months! |
Her name is Wendy and she took us on a tour of their house. It was beautiful, everything I dream our beach house to be one day. It looked like a picture out of the Pottery Barn catalog. I felt at home amongst the many hues of blue that covered the walls and doors and stairs. And even the furniture. Some was wicker. Classy Cape May style.
She came over and looked at our house. It will be great when we are done renting the house and can decorate the house how we like.
After that, mom, dad and Michael left to do errands. It was very hot out, so I suggested to Lindsay that we bake homemade cookies! Very yum. Even if some of them came out burnt. We each wrote postcards and letters in between batches. Damn oven only has one rack!
We got ready to leave for the beach, and finally got there at 5 pm. We walked along the shoreline and I found (would you believe it!?) seven pieces of beach glass- four brown and three green. We sat on the lifeguard chair after and read for a long time. I read my new book, Diva by Jillian Larkin - from The Flappers series. It is the last one in the series and it came out last week. I had it delivered to the CM house :)
Jackpot! |
We left the beach at 6:30 pm to shower. I sat in the pink adriondack chair and read for a while before we went to the mall. We decided to try Stewart's a new store in the mall. It took over the Atlantic book store, which made me very sad to lose.
They sat us right away. It was a swanky place. They take your orders on iTouches! HOW FRIGGIN COOL IS THAT? I got a frosty mug diet coke and three little burgers called Stewies. Lindsay got a chicken wrap. Everything was amazing. I am so ready to head back there again.
Then it was time to shop. At Great White Shark I got a little Cape May embroidered wristlet, and two shell bags that say Cape May (for me and Mom). I had a 10% off coupon for all of that on my Cape May iPhone app - score!
At Henry's I got the Holly Yashi hummingbird earrings I had been looking at for over a week. Okay, drooling over. Then at Bathtime I got the cool leg lotion and created my own scent of the Lemon Sage Gigner body mist. Lindsay got some of the guest soaps - they went up $0.10 cents in price! I couldn't believe it. I'm stingy.
We headed to Bonnie's Toppings to try their fro yo. Another new place in the mall. It was 59 Cents an ounce which is more expensive than Virginia places. It was scrumptious. When we got home, I was dripping in sweat again and took another shower. I wrote this post, and chilled downstairs with Lindsay. Tomorrow will be very hot so we won't do much in the afternoon. Farmer's market for dinner and Bliss in the evening!