Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sunday Rain is falling (literally)

I hate how when I wake up in the morning the sheets always are off the corners of the bed. I got up at noon and had a bagel on the porch with my mom, dad and their friend Lori & her daughters.

They went on a walk, and I stayed home because it was too warm for me. I read some of Mom's Cape May journal. I read all about the years from 2003 to present which included fun activities such as: getting hermit crabs, hanging out with Mary and her family, celebrating Mary & I's half birthday on June 30th with cake, fourth of July celebrations/fireworks/parade, antiques, Catherine babysitting, meeting our friends Ginny, Barbara, Denise and the Abramis.

When everyone got back we made mozarella tomato and basil sandwiches. We got ready to go to the beach and got there about three. It was hot and the waves were rough. I read Cosmo and a lot of my Second Chance Summer book. I cooled off in the water and it started raining after a while!

Mom got us rock candy. After that, I walked to the jetty and found a few shells but no beach glass. I came home and ran into Barbara and sat on her porch and talked to her for a while. Came home and showered. Lori and her daughters left. I sat on the porch while it rained and read my book. It got dark out and I had to go inside to finish my book. Amazing. I completely recommend Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson. She's a great author. Her other book  Amy and Roger's Epic Detour is fabulous as well.

Mom and dad went to Ella's to get sushi for dinner, but they hadn't gotten their delivery, so we just had ravioli and gnocchi. Tomorrow I will have breakfast with Denise and get Lindsay from the ferry!

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