Friday, June 6, 2014

It's not vacation unless I trip & fall

Last night I was so good and went to bed around midnight. That is so early for me. I woke up around 10:30 am. I talked to mom for a while and then had lunch. I went to Animal Outreach and was there for two hours. They want me to help with their hours to keep the center open more to help out with adoptions. So awesome.

Owen :)
I came home and swept all the sand and leaves off the front porch. I also quick vac'ed the floors downstairs so that the house would be a little cleaner. I took a shower and then left to get gas (yes, Jersey Girls don't pump gas...though I could've done a better job than the attendant who didn't listen to me and put regular instead of premium in my car...).

I drove up 25 exits to Ocean City (NJ, not MD) to visit my cousin Jenn. We ate dinner at Tokyo Mandarin and it was so good! I had an egg roll, angry crab rangoon, shrimp tempura sushi and avocado-cucumber kani salad. It was great and very different than what I've had before. I totally tripped on the curb (yes I trip going up steps) going into the store and wiped out. Seriously? I'm a klutz. I went to the urgent care here for tripping in Cape May three summers ago and I don't intend a repeat visit.

We went to Blue Eden for the Ocean City store opening. Blue Eden is run by my friend Caroline. The store was beautiful and laid out so nicely. The store carries Kut clothing, a brand sold in Nordstroms as well as beautiful beach glass jewelry made by local NJ jewelry artists and Sea Foam Soap Company soaps, sugar scrubs and lotions -- made by Caroline, who uses her grandmother's recipe. They are the most amazing products and you will never want to go back to drug store products after using hers!

I bought a gorgeous beach glass necklace and some mini soaps.

We entered in some raffles and I found out that both Jenn and I won - Jenn won a beautiful beach glass necklace and a local coffee shop giftcard and I won some hair products.

After Blue Eden we went across the street to Stainton's, which sells lots of different products from tons of different sellers. I got a cool little easel with a beach saying "Eat. sleep. beach" and a present for my dad for father's day.

I came home and talked to my all of my grandparents, Michael and mom on the phone before going to bed. Tomorrow is a busy day with the Strawberry Festival.

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