Monday, July 5, 2010

5 days & feelin' good.

I pretty much just cannot WAIT to be in the car, on the ferry, hugging Mary and eating good food soon enough! I started packing today. You see, I figured I would just pack pretty much everything that I'm not going to be using for the next few days, and then pack the rest of the things Friday afternoon. But if that is the case, I'll probably have to reorganize my suitcase a few times to get everything to fit.

I just never know exactly what I'm gonna need! I have to bring so much (my parents would yell at me for saything this, "YOU DON'T NEED THAT MUCH!" but I do. And then there are the items that have to be packed the morning we leave. Phone, computer, iHome, myself :).

The Saturday morning we leave (July 10) goes like this. Wake up around 9ish. Walk the neighbor's dog, feed their cat and then feed the other cat I'm caring for. Then I come home, shower, get dressed and help load the stuff in the car that we didn't load on Friday. And then we leave! Hopefully we'll leave around 10:30-11 am. But relisticly, I need to do the pet sitting and shower. Both my parents have to shower and we all have to get our butts in the car. Not an easy process when we're sharing ONE bathroom (yes, still). So hopefully everything will work out.

Off to pack!
xo, capemaychick

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