Friday, July 2, 2010

8 days & damn; we need the beach!

Picture this: You go to take a shower, and leave the water running while you gather you shower things together. You stick your hand in the shower, checking to see if the water is hot enough to get in. It's ice cold. Not again, this is the third time this year that the hot water has been out! Yes, well that is pretty much my life right now. Aside from dealing with 6 cats that cannot be in the same room, a sick brother, an exhausted mother, a stressed father and only one functional shower (because the other is being renovated); that's my life currently.

Those 8 days cannot BE HERE FAST ENOUGH! I mean, we're all stressed and tired. Not to mention out of pretty much any edible food other than mints. We're loading up on the trash in the bathroom (it's taken out almost every day) and going through toilet paper like mad-men. It's just absolutely chaotic here. Throw in complaining relatives and difficult friends and we've got a full house. Not to mention one tv that is watchable (can't watch the other one because the construction workers are working in the room where it is).

Oh and how could I forget, a cat who is on steriods because she's allergic to the food we're feeing her, going through 5 cans of cat food per day, 35 cans a week. Oh and you KNOW what wet food does to the litter box...ew.

Yeah, let's just say that today I really need the beach. 7 days 12 hours....not soon enough!

xo, capemaychick

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